I’ve run this site for nearly two decades, and currently work for a web marketing company. Since focusing on recreational shooting and firearms accessories, I’ve noticed that small businesses rarely have the Marketing support they need. We can change that, and it doesn’t need to be expensive. If you want to rank higher in searches, with longer engagement times and more conversions (sales), I can help.
The first steps to marketing your firearms and accessories website begins with understanding SEO best practices
Marketing your E-commerce website starts with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) best practices. Google and Bing are the two biggest search engines, and the main focus is always on the former. We want to make sure that your site is optimized for both.
There are more than 200 ranking factors in the Google search algorithm, which is updated about six times per day, to the tune of 2,000 updates in a single year. This is why it’s so critical to start with best practices. Even if your marketing budget includes advertising, having a fully optimized site is the starting point for getting the best return.
Why relevance and engagement are important to your marketing success
The very first step is to understand relevance and engag
Don’t forget the technical side of SEO
In addition to relevance and engagement, there are a bunch of technical issues to be aware of. Site speed, ease of navigation, and the overall user experience are all important too. If those are a current concern, we need to tackle them in conjunction with SEO. No sense bringing traffic to the site if users are just going to get frustrated and leave.
Free tools are available, and I can show you how to use them for marketing your site
While there are plenty of tools out there for accomplishing our goals, I’m going to start with five that are free, and easy to use.
Google Analytics. This shows us where your traffic is coming from, as well as which pages they are going to first, and where they are spending the most time. Over time, this will provide insight into the sources of your traffic, as well as visitor behavior.
Google Search Console will provide information about search queries, as well as how your site ranks for those queries. We’ll be able to see the most popular searches which bring users to your site, and also find opportunities to improve content so you can rank higher in the most relevant searches.
PageSpeed Insights, shows how Google views your site’s speed. You can run it for any page, as often as you want. In addition to providing a speed score for mobile and desktop users, it scores Accessibility, Best Practices (different from SEO best practices), and SEO. These are all factors in search algorithms, so I like it as a quick snapshot of how the site looks to a search engine.
The FATRANK extension from Fat Joe is designed for the Chrome browser. You can pick any page on your site, and see how you rank for a particular query. It’s not 100% accurate, but generally close enough. I appreciate tools like this, because they empower you to see how your site is doing.
- Screamingfrog offers a free download which can analyze your site, allowing us to instantly see areas that might need improvement.

Additional marketing services offered
The free SEO tools are great for overviews and data collection. Acting on that information may require new written content, as well as photos. While I can easily provide the written content, images are a little trickier. With a little creativity and some coaching, you can take your own photos if hiring a photographer is not in the budget. From there, I can assist with editing. Correct photo formats, sizing, and alt descriptions are some often overlooked keys to your site’s ranking.

Getting started
To get started, please contact brian @ industryoutsider.com. We’ll discuss your current performance as well as your goals. If you want to proceed, we set a baseline for performance and then get to work. My typical 30-60 day goal is to just get through assessing the site and optimizing as much as possible. We can set some traffic, ranking, and sales goals for 90 and 180 days. We’ll see progress along the way, but due to the nature of how search engines work, it would be irresponsible and misleading to make any specific promises. Although I am comfortable stating that we should see tangible, measurable results after 2-3 months.
My goal is to help you improve your site’s performance and search rankings, which will in turn improve sales. I’ll let you determine how much time you can spend on things, and we’ll go at your pace. Once we have some data and best practices established, the time commitment will be much less. You can determine your level of participation as well – I can do just about everything, or I can teach you how to view and interpret the available data based on the tools above, so you can make informed decisions yourself and then apply the changes/updates as necessary.