The PinUltimate Quick-Release Hitch Pin may seem out of place on this site, but bear with me. We’ve covered a broad range of outdoor gear over the years, and this is one product that has appeal to the readership across that whole time. From the cyclists using a receiver-mounted rack, to the kayakers towing their small trailers, to the families and hunters towing larger trailers and campers. If you tow, you know. Know what? You know about the joys of scraped knuckles and struggling with that dang clip holding your hitch pin. And you know that we love cool and innovative products. So let’s get right into the PinUltimate Quick-Release Hitch Pin.

What the heck is a PinUltimate Quick-Release Hitch Pin?
Let’s start with what it isn’t. Most hitch pins are just a piece of steel bent on one end, and drilled for a cotter pin on the other. Slide the hitch into your receiver, push the hitch pin through both, then secure it with the cotter pin. Yes, it’s probably tucked under your bumper or tailgate, and maybe it’s dark out when you do this. And no, the hole for the pin isn’t always lined up to make things easy. This single event is responsible for a lot of scraped knuckles accompanied by some choice words than more people like to admit. Turns out that it doesn’t have to be that way.
All of the exposed parts of the PinUltimate Quick-Release Hitch Pin are made from titanium. Heat-treated, 6AL4V titanium. That 4V represents 4% vanadium – this is aerospace-grade stuff. Unlike steel, it’s never going to rust or corrode, even if you drive on salted roads in the winter. Or you fly a space shuttle. Instead of a cotter pin, it uses an o-ringed cap that securely snaps into place. It has a push-button release to remove the cap and extract the pin. Locking and unlocking is accomplished with a double-sided key that doesn’t care which way it goes in. Rather than fumbling and dealing with questionable security and durability, the PinUltimate simplifies this task.
Breaking down the long(ish) feature list
Compared to that bent steel bar with the hole drilled into it, the PinUltimate Quick-Release Hitch Pin really does have an impressive feature set. Before I get into using it, here’s the full low-down on its high-tech.

“ConnecTrick™” Quick-Release System
On the handle is a button conveniently placed for activation by your thumb. At the opposite end are three balls that help lock the cap into place. That cap won’t slide on until the button is depressed. Conversely, the cap is absolutely not coming off until the button is pressed. Positive lock and release, this hitch pin is not going anywhere until you want it to. Note too that the rounded end makes it easier to install the hitch pin and also attach the cap.
“Snap-To-It” Clipless Connector Cap
Looking over the cap, I can see just how much thought went into the design of the PinUltimate Quick-Release Hitch Pin. It’s machined on the end for grip, and contoured in the middle to make it easy to hold in place. Just inside is an o-ring that helps keep out road grime, dirt, salt, and other nastiness. Farther inside is a deep groove for the balls that lock the cap into place. It’s finished in a nice red Cerakote for even more corrosion resistance.

“Be Nimble” Cylinder Lock with Bi-Directional Key
Keys generally come in two flavors, single-sided, or double-sided. Your house key is probably single-sided, which is fine. If the key doesn’t go in, flip it over. When you’re bent over a trailer hitch, possibly under less-than-ideal conditions, a double-sided key makes more sense. The Be Nimble Cylinder Lock uses a double-sided, or bi-directional key. Once you find the recessed lock, very little fumbling is required to get the key in.
“NeverRust” Titanium Construction
I love titanium. It’s highly durable and corrosion-resistant. Strong, yet light, it’s popular for racing, aircraft, and aerospace applications. One thing it’s not is cheap. Despite being a plentiful element, it’s difficult to machine, and therefore titanium products can be expensive. But in applications that require (or demand) the best materials, it’s an easy choice. If you tow a boat, your hitch is probably going to spend some time exposed to water, maybe even salt water. Live in an area where roads are salted in the winter? Same thing. Titanium and Cerakote take the worry out of that.

Fully-Machined Ergonomic “Power Red” Handle
For all the benefits titanium offers, it’s not always the best choice for some applications. Which is why the PinUltimate’s handle is CNC machined from aircraft-grade aluminum. It’s got an attractive, ergonomic shape, and of course, the same Cerakote finish for protection. This ceramic-based coating is used in firearms that see plenty of abuse, so it makes sense to use it here. The manufacturer points out that each PinUltimate Quick-Release Hitch Pin gets anodized prior to the Cerakote. Double the protection.
Performance Guarantee
I’m not going to paraphrase their guarantee. Here it is, right from the website:
The PinUltimate “Knuckle Saver” 90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
We are so confident that you will love your new PinUltimate Quick-Release Hitch Pin that we will guarantee your satisfaction. If PinUltimate isn’t the fastest and easiest hitch pin you’ve ever used, return it for a full refund.
The PinUltimate Quick-Release Hitch Pin in use
I don’t have a trailer for hauling toys, or a camper. My trailer usage is a bit more boring. Like hauling soil and rocks for landscaping projects. So I loaned out the PinUltimate to friends and neighbors who had a lot more fun than me this summer. My instructions were simple: “Try it. And please don’t lose the key”. I kept the spare, just in case. Feedback was overwhelmingly consistent. It’s definitely easier to use compared to the bent steel rod and cotter pin. You still may find yourself in an awkward position to remove or install the hitch pin. But you can do it at night, in complete darkness. By feel. Less busted knuckles, and no swearing.

Click here to check prices on the PinUltimate at
In an area that has recently been hit by trailer thefts, the PinUltimate is more than worth the $159.99 price (usually $199). Just as it’s nearly impervious to corrosion, it’s highly secure too. You’d want a torch to cut the hitch before you try to break this hitch pin. Considering the price of a camper trailer, or even the toys some folks leave loaded on their trailer, this could be cheap insurance. Check it out at
Of course, I want to thank the folks at PinUltimate for sending me their Quick-Release Hitch Pin to test out. My friends seemed to enjoy it for towing cool stuff this summer while I stayed home and did landscaping projects.