This Week I‘ll Be at Interbike!

To say “I‘m excited about Interbike” is a lot like the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail describing the amputation of his arms as “just a flesh wound.”   “Kid in a candy store”?  Nah.  There‘s usually parents around keeping an eye on the kid.  “Happier than a pig in ____”?  I don‘t think, and I‘m sure Jules Winnfield would agree, feeling like that could ever really be good.  I guess I‘ll just have to say that I‘m totally freakin‘ stoked!

But as Interbike gets closer, another feeling is emerging: overwhelmed.  And it‘s your fault.  How can I possibly see all and do all in just two days at a show of this size?  How can I make sure that I get all the information in order to properly inform you afterwards of what is new and exciting?  Every day there are more emails coming in asking me to meet this person, check out this new product, demo this or that, stop by this booth, review this media release. ..  After my first proofing of this article, I had an email from Pioneer asking me to talk to them about their entrance into the cycling market.  I‘m just one person, but each time I think of you all and say to myself, “Hmmm, I‘m sure there is at least one loyal reader of that would be interested in that.”  So, I check my schedule again and work in some time with the rep or star the booth on my exhibition map to at least run by and grab a media kit.  Yes, it‘s a tough life, but I‘ll fight this battle so you don‘t have to.  You guys just sit back and enjoy (hopefully) the updates and recaps as the dust settles.

Soon after the show (assuming that Brian can afford to counter the offers as other sites and media try to poach me), I will be doing my best to let you know what is coming, especially in the world of road cycling and commuting.  As a preview, I‘ve got time scheduled with LifeProof to discuss why that case is perfect for protecting your precious iPad during rough or rainy commutes.  I‘ll be talking to SKINS about new compression wear for both on the bike and post-ride recovery.  I‘ll be meeting with Vittoria to talk about their sweet, new road shoes and helmets.  I‘ll be discussing shoe inserts with Footbalance.  I‘ll be hearing about a brand new cycling computer from Polar.  As of two minutes ago, I‘m meeting with Pioneer Electronics to check out an undisclosed product.  And, no matter what Brian says (unless he strongly objects), I plan on spending lots of time in the Italy sector so I can properly stoke some fires in all of you Tifosi out there.  Plus, that‘s where the free espresso is, so I‘ll be over there amping up in order to cover more ground.

And speaking of covering more ground, I‘ve convinced my lovely assistant to go to the show with me and grab as much info as possible.  I‘m currently drawing up her battle plan as well.  I just hope they believe her when she tells them she wants the free tees in size large.  As another big bonus, she doesn‘t like beer, so I can double up on the free stuff!  Free is good.  Free beer is better.  Free, good beer is the shizzle!

So guys and gals, if Bicycling or Bike Monkey need a writer, it‘s been fun.  However, for now we‘ll assume that I‘ll be back in front of my computer writing to you all for the sheer joy of it not long after Interbike.  Remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.  But I will make an exception this time.  My goal is to make you feel like you were there too.   Minus the hangover.

– Alex

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