A cool site for the DIY cyclist in you

Since I’ve been tied up a bit with some new duties on BikeForums.net, I haven’t been able to post here as much as I’d like. But I do have a really cool site to share with my fellow cyclists, especially those that are living car-free, or just want to get more utility out of their bikes.

Check out the Instructables.com site. If you plug the word “trailer” into their search box, it returns all sorts of DIY bike trailers. Even if none of them are exactly suited to your taste, they would certainly help inspire a worthwhile weekend project. I’m sure there’s plenty of other stuff to bring out our inner mad scientist, but I’m thinking a trailer is perfect for my weekly trips to Lowes. A properly balanced trailer can haul plenty of mulch and manure, something I really prefer not to have in my car.

If anyone has made their own trailer, let me know. I’d be happy to share some photos and details of it here as well.

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I have neither the ability nor the tools to build my own trailer. However, this guy I know showed us his Schlepper II at the Trailer Tango here in Portland today, There was another prototype on display, and we all got to try both out.


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