Add These To Your Essentials List – UCO Stormproof Matches

While I was putting together an article on bike/hike camping gear, this winter’s storms were catching a lot of folks off guard, so it only makes sense to mention items that can do double duty as part of your camping gear as well as making it into your emergency essentials kit. UCO stormproof matches from Industrial Revolution is one such item. That’s them on top in the photo below, being compared to your regular household wooden match.

At 2.75″ long, they’re far and away bigger than a regular match. But they’re far better than any ordinary match. Not only will they still light if they get wet, they’ll stay lit underwater for up to 15 seconds. It goes without saying that they’re windproof as well. I had originally planned on shooting a short video showing them burning underwater, but my neighbor and his tropical fish put a quick end to that idea. Go figure. Still, we did test them in the kitchen sink, and they worked as promised.

If you’re looking for camping or emergency gear, check them out along with other cool stuff at A list of retailers can be found on their Where to Buy page as well.

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