Our friends at Think Tank Photo/MindShift Gear just alerted us that their very popular BackLight rear-entry backpacks are back in stock. These may be the most popular backpacks in all of outdoor photography. They come in three sizes (36 liter, 26 liter, 18 liter), two colors, and are extremely comfortable, especially when you are carrying lots of heavy gear into the wilds. If you have been waiting to order one, I advise that you do so quickly as they are selling out very fast. As my follower, you will receive free gear and free shipping when you use this link.

I have the 18L (my review is here) and love it. It’s been a great bag for my outdoor photography. Besides being light and comfy, you don’t have to take it off to access your gear. When you’re out in less than ideal conditions, that’s a huge plus. Clearly, I’m not alone in my appreciation for this backpack. Based on how quickly they sell out, everyone seems to want one. If you’re looking to get one, use the link above to get yours before they sell out again.