Bikeage is now Retro-Gression

I’m really stoked to see my friend Dave growing his business. Bikeage originally offered some shirts, hats and stickers aimed at fixed gear and single speed enthusiasts. A humble start, but popular with his target demographic. Then he got a rather respectable order from a major online retailer, and worked with Leader bikes as well. It would appear that the momentum continues.

He’s recently (for legal reasons) come up with a new name, Retro-Gression, and offers his own designs, plus some name brand products on his site. If you’re in the market for Nitto bars or seatposts, Selle Italia saddles, Sugino cranks, or MKS pedals, it will probably pay to have a look at his prices. And he’s got more items on the way.

You might notice his banner in rotation on my site. It’s not a paid ad – I run it because it’s supporting someone passionate about cycling, and that alone is a good enough reason for me. So check it out if you have a moment. The Sheldon Brown RIDE shirt is classic.

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