Coast A9R Rechargeable Inspection Penlight

Working in facilities management, I routinely inspect building mechanical systems. My new go-to tool for these inspections is the Coast A9R Rechargeable Inspection Penlight. If you need an ever-present inspection beam, it’s hard to beat.

Made of stainless steel, its durable slim design makes it optimal for use in close cramped areas. I put it above my ear and work hands-free when necessary. Just over 6 inches long and weighing only 2.1 ounces, it easily fits in a shirt pocket. Carry it all day, and you won’t notice it until you need it. 

Coast A9R Rechargeable Inspection Penlight
Coast A9R Rechargeable Inspection Penlight

Find it on Amazon!

It is rechargeable and comes with a USB home and car charger. Charging is as simple as plugging the end of the light into the charger as if you were putting a cap on a pen. Initial charge took about three hours, but it recharges in less than an hour with normal use. It has an advertised three hour run time. But I have exceeded this accidentally by dropping it down an air intake shaft and locating it four hours later by its light still being on. That’s due to its lithium-polymer battery, no doubt.

Mind you, this is not a flashlight, but a focused beam of light. Its low glare and intense beam make it perfect for illuminating critical areas. It throws out a perfect circle of light with no dark spots making inspections much easier. And it’s been tested and rated to ANSI/FL1 standards. It works so well, I have ordered a Coast A9R light for each of my building engineers and maintenance techs so they will stop trying to steal mine (Okay, it will make their job easier too). While the MSRP is $60, you can find them for much less online, so it pays to shop around. They’re also available in several colors, as shown in the image below.

Coast A9R Rechargeable Inspection Penlight
Coast A9R Rechargeable Inspection Penlight

Outside of work, I used this light at my daughter’s a while back. My three-year-old granddaughter looked at the beam on the wall and exclaimed “THE MOON!”  She loves to play with it and I think it‘s awesome that she thinks I can bring her the moon. Also, it’s durable enough that I don’t have to worry she might break it. Overall, it’s a handy and convenient light. Check it out, along with the rest of their products, at the CoastPortland website.


A special thanks to Coast for providing their light for this review. As mentioned, I liked it so much, I ordered them for my whole crew.

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