Cycology – Express Yourself

Looking for some casual wear that’s edgy, yet fun? Check out CycologyGear. com. Cycology offers “tees that mess with your head”, which is a polite way of saying there’s a message that might just make you stop and think.

Although some of the slogans are creative takes on old adages like “Burn fat, not fuel” or “Fall 7 times, stand up 8”, the artwork is fresh, unique, and creative. So while “Surgically enhanced” might evoke images of cups running over, Hollywood style, Cycology’s take is a human hand with tools replacing some of the fingers, and a bottle opener for a thumb.  (Now is a good time to mention they are based out of Australia) Another image is a human head with white headlight in the forehead, and red light at the base of the neck. Steady or flashing, naturally.

Store categories currently include Behavioural, Clinical, Environmental, and Sports, with each category containing clothing that combines slogans and artwork representative of their category. An example is shown to the right, which can be  found in the Environmental category.

Everything is designed for the outdoors enthusiast that wants to boldly and proudly express their chosen sport. While the line is currently limited to cycling and running, expect to see  skiing, adventure racing, motorcycling, swimming, and more in the future.

CYCOLOGY = Science + Art + Love
It‘s an infectious disease that will ultimately mess with your mind

– Brian

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