Volquartsen Exact Edge CZ 457 Extractor and Holder

Volquartsen offers their Exact Edge Extractor and Holder as direct replacements for the factory CZ 457 extractor. They’re a quick and easy upgrade, or a fix for older rifles with some wear on these parts. For different reasons, I’ve put them in two of my CZ 457 rifles. One rifle was fairly new, and I just wanted to ensure it was as reliable as possible. The other was older and had a fairly high round count. If either of those sounds like your rifle, read on.

The CZ 457 and controlled round feed:

One of the functions contributing to the accuracy of the CZ 457 is its controlled round feed. Rather than the bolt simply pushing a round out of the magazine, and hoping it finds its way into the chamber, CZ takes a different approach. With a holder on the left and an extractor on the right, each round is lifted clear of the magazine and held horizontally while fed directly into the chamber. Anyone who has shot a 10/22 and had their round go nose-up, missing the chamber completely, can appreciate this. Likewise, this feature generally prevents the rounds from getting shaved by the chamber on the way in.

Volquartsen Exact Edge CZ 457 Extractor and Holder.
Volquartsen Exact Edge CZ 457 Extractor and Holder.


In order to achieve this, the CZ 457 extractor and holder must be held to tight tolerances and sufficiently durable for thousands of rounds. On the extractor side, it requires a sharp edge that grabs the case, before flinging it clear of the action. Over time, wear can occur, reducing the effectiveness of these parts. Shooting in dusty conditions doesn’t help. Neither does the fact that rimfire ammo is generally pretty dirty. Add a suppressor into the mix, and things can go downhill faster. Not a huge problem when shooting for fun, but a definite dealbreaker for competition or hunting. Which is where Volquartsen stepped in.

Volquartsen Exact Edge Extractor and Holder for the CZ 457 Description:

Designed to enhance the reliability and performance of the CZ 457 platform, the parts are wire-EDM cut to exacting tolerances. Both parts are drop-in replacements for the factory pieces, though there are very minor variations in their shape. Volquartsen engineered them to deliver reliable extraction, regardless of ammo type. Whether subsonic competition ammo or fast hollow points used on small game, you can expect smooth and consistent ejection of spent casings. A2 tool steel ensures they will last for thousands of rounds as well.

Volquartsen Exact Edge CZ 457 Extractor and Holder.
Volquartsen Exact Edge CZ 457 Extractor and Holder.


Installation of the Exact Edge Extractor and Holder:

My favorite upgrades are those that do the job, don’t cost a lot, and don’t require special tools. This is one of them. All you need is a small hook, and possibly a flat-blade screwdriver. After verifying that the rifle is empty, remove the bolt. Flip it over, and use the hook to pry out the extractor spring (the C-shaped clip holding the parts in). Alternatively, a thin flat blade screwdriver works to pop it out. Both the extract and holder should fall right out. This is a good time to clean the bolt, paying attention to the grooves these parts sit in.

Volquartsen Exact Edge CZ 457 Extractor and Holder.
Volquartsen Exact Edge CZ 457 Extractor and Holder.


Install the new CZ 457 extractor and holder. When the bolt is upright, the holder goes on the left, extractor on the right. From there, I install the spring on the holder side and then use the hook to get it over the extractor, and properly seated under the bolt. There is a little spring tension to both parts, but they aren’t going to fly out. It just takes a little patience, and if you have to do it 2-3 times to get it right, don’t sweat it. Once done, it should look like the image below, and you can feel the spring tension on both. That’s it. Reinstall the bolt and you’re all set.

Volquartsen Exact Edge CZ 457 Extractor and Holder.
Volquartsen Exact Edge CZ 457 Extractor and Holder.


Testing, testing, and more testing:

One of my rifles gets fed a steady diet of quality ammo that comes lubed up and is pretty greasy. The other shoots everything from subsonic ammo to cheap bulk. Both get a fair amount of rounds through them every week. And no failures to extract since the upgrades. At this point, I suppose I’ll add this to my list of reviews that may require a follow-up, should something actually let me down. In the meantime, it’s lift, pull, push, drop, bang. Repeat.

Observations and Final Words on the Volquartsen Exact Edge Extractor and Holder:

This is one of those upgrades that can resolve a problem, or be viewed as a preventative measure. I suspect that the majority of CZ 457 owners rarely have empties fail to extract, but if they do, choices are limited. If CZ has the part in stock, they can order direct. One other source I found for CZ 457 OEM parts is in Lithuania. So for Volquartsen to offer an aftermarket option is greatly appreciated.

A friend did mention to me that some people have not had a good experience with this product. This surprised me. The parts are pretty simple, so I can’t imagine how they couldn’t work.  But I was also recently made aware that Volquartsen has implemented some design changes to improve on the performance. They are also now including the spring, which is appreciated. Either way, Scott Volquartsen has always stood behind his products. If someone encountered an issue, he’s taken care of them, when made aware of it. That’s well-documented by regular people posting on social media and enthusiast sites.

As always, I’d like to thank Volquartsen for providing their products for my testing and evaluation. While you can find their products at plenty of reputable online retailers, I always suggest going directly to the source, at Volquartsen.com.

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