Finally, some good came from an accident

A cyclist got hit by a car, and ended up with a broken collarbone and ruptured spleen, but credits his helmet with preventing much worse injury.

It was Ohio State Rep Mike Skindell, and now he’s pushing a helmet bill (article) that would fine parents if their children don’t wear helmets.

Normally, I would be somewhat opposed to helmet laws. While I’m all for helmets, I don’t much care for the trampling of individual rights. As Americans, we have the right to be stupid. But when it comes to children, I agree that they should be wearing helmets. And the bill states that the fines should be used to buy helmets for the children of low income families, which I see as a wise decision.

Now if we can just get the kids to wear them…

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If you are willing to require mandatory bicyclist accident insurance so that taxpayers don’t have to fund hospital bills, then no need for mandatory helmets. Otherwise it is unfair to make everyone else pay for your decision.

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