Kelty is one of those brands that has been around forever, and they are one of the most recognized outdoor gear brands. Being in the outdoor gear business that long, they really know what they are doing. The Kelty Coyote 65 backpack has been available for a while now and this pack definitely benefits from Kelty‘s long heritage. I‘ve had the Coyote 65 for a few months, and I found that there‘s a lot I like about it.

Pack Organization and Access
The Kelty Coyote 65 offers easy access to all sections of the pack. The top opening is held shut with a draw cord on an extendable collar. A cinch strap over the top goes under the top lid and compresses gear when cinched. A large pocket near the back holds a hydration bladder, and openings for the hose are found next to each shoulder strap. A zippered flap lets you access the main compartment from the side by unclipping the compression straps at the top of the pack.
The Coyote 65 has a sleeping bag compartment at the bottom, so you can get access to gear from the bottom. Two toggles and fabric loops hold a compartment divider in place. Releasing the divider turns the main compartment into a single large space, and this is the way that I carry the bag.
On the outside of the center access panel is a zippered pocket with a couple organizer pockets. A plastic clip hangs from the top, and this is where I keep my keys. I like knowing that the keys won‘t accidentally fall out of the bag and get lost on the trail. On the outside of the pack is a shove-it pocket held in place with a clip in buckle strap at the top. I tend to carry rain gear, a poop shovel in a bag, and other items that I want to quickly grab.
On either side of top of the pack are large zippered pockets, and Kelty added a great feature to them. You can slide gear underneath these pockets down into the bottom stretchy pockets. Long items like tent poles fit great here, and I have carried my 3-legged stool here. The compression straps at the bottom of the pack help hold things in place along the side.
The lid of the Kelty Coyote 65 is removable, and it converts into aha sling pack. I tend to backpack from campsite to campsite and I wander far from camp. If you like to hike into an area, camp a few days and take day hikes from there, the sling pack will be great for that. The lid has a larger bottom pocket and a smaller thinner top pocket with another plastic clip for keys or a small clip-in sack where I keep a small wallet, an extra lighter, or batteries. The sling stores underneath the lid, but it is easy to pull out and use.
The hipbelt has zippered hipbelt pocket on both sides of the belt. These pockets are bigger than some, and they will hold snacks, a small camera, a cell phone, a compass or other smaller items. I‘m a bigger guy so the hipbelt pockets are a little far to the side but I can still get to them. I prefer larger pockets here but bigger hipbelt pockets get in the way for some people and not everyone likes that.

Comfort and suspension system
The Coyote 65 is comfortable to carry, and it is easy to get the fit right. The torso length is adjustable, so it will fit a wide range of people. You can vary the torso length from 15.5 to 21 inches and Kelty used their PerfectFIT system to get the job done. Many packs require you to set the torso length, try the pack on, and then re-adjust as necessary. Sometimes this takes quite a few tries and the fit is never exactly as you‘d like. Kelty changed all that with the PerfectFIT system. Check out Kelty‘s video on how to use this system HERE.
There‘s plenty of padding on the Coyote 65 all around and the padding is covered with Hex Mesh fabric. I sweat a lot even in winter, so I got pretty sweaty carrying the Coyote 65. The design of the back padding and the Hex Mesh fabric does allow for airflow and that does improve the comfort. The lumbar support fit great and the pack hugged my back really well. The Coyote 65 moved with me as a hiked but I did need to re-tighten the hip belt from time to time.
The Coyote 65 has load lifter straps, belt stabilizer straps, the usual sternum strap, and good compression straps. A couple of load lifter straps in just the right places make it easy to move the pack around when it isn‘t on your back.

Specifications and final thoughts
The Kelty Coyote 65 weighs in at 4 pounds, 13 ounces with it 65 liter or 3950 cubic inches of volume. I had plenty of room to pack for a multi-day trip even with cold weather gear in the pack. The main body fabric is tough and sturdy and should take plenty of abuse. As I said before, the pack carries great and will fit well with its adjustable torso. Kelty makes tough, quality, gear and the Coyote 65 is no exception.
The Kelty Coyote 65 has an MSRP of $179.95, and you get a great backpack for your money. I plan to carry this pack this fall, or I may let friends carry this bag since the torso adjustment is there and is so easy to use. Check out Kelty‘s full lineup of outdoor equipment at
Thanks to Kelty for sending out the Coyote 65 for test and review. We at IndustryOutsider always give our opinion of test gear and hope you find these reviews helpful in choosing your outdoor adventure equipment.