Saying Goodbye to 2014

I’d like to think that 2014 was a good year for this site. The contributors all had fun testing cool gear, and based on the traffic, it seems our readers enjoyed more and more of the content we presented. That’s really all I can ask for, as we wrap up the 8th year of Industry Outsider. During that time, I’ve watched it go from a one-man show to what it is today, with several talented and enthusiastic contributors.

One of the smaller goals this year was to publish five articles each and every week. No small task for this part-time venture which is wedged snugly into a very busy lifestyle. And with the exception of a few days here and there, we’ve managed to accomplish that. To that end, I’d like to thank Joe Gardner, as he was the one that inspired me to start it in the first place. Also Alex R., Alex D., Mark, Ryan, Carley, Joel, Heather, Luis, Rob, Josh, Tamara, Raquel, Mrs. Outsider, Ms. Outsider, and anyone else that made a contribution either as a writer or tester. Without them, I probably would have thrown in the towel, as maintaining such a consistently high quality level of writing is truly is too much work for one person. But we did it, and we’ll continue to do it in 2015. On that note, I’m taking a few days off, and will return in January.

Thank you for your support of this site. If it wasn’t for the readers, there would be no need for writers. Have a safe and happy new year.



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