Be Prepared With The Swedish FireKnife

Two useful functions in one tool, the Swedish FireKnife from Light My Fire is something to get excited about. Being able to build a fire as well as having a knife are two of the essentials for camping. The FireKnife is perfect for that. And the FireKnife will never let you down, as it works whether it‘s wet or dry!

The first thing you‘ll likely notice about the Swedish FireKnife is the giant pop of color; it comes in red, orange, green, blue or black. All but the black are definitely bright and eye-catching! Not only do the colors add a bit of fun, but you’re far less likely to misplace it on the trail, at a campsite, or even in a disorganized backpack. The last part I can personally verify, because I thought lost my knife in my own backpack. Luckily, I found my flashlight first, and it only took me a few moments to realize that it had migrated to the bottom of my pack.

Swedish FireKnife

Find the Swedish FireKnife on Amazon

Included with the knife is a plastic sheath which has a convenient belt clip. And hidden (sort of) in the handle is a genuine Swedish FireSteel® firestarter. It‘s easily taken out but locks in tight and is difficult to lose; The designers even added a short loop to the FireSteel that could easily be worn on your wrist or clipped to your pack if you decide you don‘t need the knife. For safety and all-weather use, the handle on the Swedish FireKnife is made out of a high-friction rubber to provide the ultimate grip.

Swedish FireKnife

Using the Swedish FireKnife and FireSteel was easy, once I got the hang of it. The FireSteel has a grip and makes it easy to use and the knife glides effortlessly across it to create sparks. For those of you that have never used a FireSteel to start a fire, you should pick up one of these knives and try it out – it‘s a lot of fun. To start a campfire, you‘ll need to have a little dry tinder. Light My Fire has a great tinder selection that you can purchase the same time that you order your knife. You‘ll have the option of Tinder-on-a-Rope, TinderSticks or TinderDust. They‘re made of stumps from cultivated pine (fatwood) from the highlands of Mexico. It‘s incredibly easy to light because of its high resin content and will work even if it‘s wet since it‘s the resin that burns and not the wood. With the Tinder-on-a-Rope, you can just shave off what you need and save the rest of the stick for later. I find the idea of a rope to be a little more convenient and space saving than the other options of tinder. The TinderDust is my second favorite selection because I can skip the process of shaving it off the stick and save time. It comes in a waterproof container that fits in your pocket or backpack. They’re all good companions though, and all natural too. So you can start a fire without any harmful chemicals or noxious fumes.

At 8.5 inches long overall, this isn’t a pocketknife. But it’s a great companion when hiking, camping or doing anything in the outdoors. So the Swedish FireKnife now has a permanent home in my backpack. I’d like to thank Industrial Revolution for the opportunity to review it.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received the Swedish FireKnife for free from Industrial Revolution, in consideration for review publication

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Dave Reo

That’s one knife that would make the Swiss jealous. Very cool.


Very cool product, I wish I had one of these as a boyscout many moons ago!

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