They must be “Idiots” too

So we now know that Beverly Hills PD has it in for cyclists. And that at least one of them recently called a cyclist an idiot. Which is why I find it so amusing to read this article.

Yes, there are 6 BHPD tooling around on Mercedes mountain bikes. It’s an old article, and whatever knob wrote the article called them motorcycles in the title, and it hasn’t been fixed in 7 years. But they are bicycles. Wait, “High tech” mountain bikes, that are “made of strong, lightweight aluminum tubing and feature full suspension and disc brakes”. Aluminum? Suspension? Disc brakes? Cutting edge stuff here. I saw one of those bikes once, and it had LX components and spectacularly unspectacular spec. Good thing they were free. If not, the Trek police bike would have been a much better choice.

Anyway, those cops really need to watch themselves. Not only do motorists give them no respect, but it sounds like they really should avoid running into one of their own too.


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Good find on that article. Heh.

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