Those police bikes are a hot item, even in Zimbabwe

Many guys (and women) I know enjoy a cold beer after a good mountain bike ride. Unfortunately for Bhekilaya Mlalazi of Gwanda, he got 90 days in the hole for stealing a Police Cycle Patrol Unit bicycle.

Apparently, on January 2 this year, Mr. Mlalazi saw the bike parked near a house where a police officer was on guard. Maybe not the smartest move, stealing a bike with the word “police” emblazoned on it, but he jumped on and took off.

Needless to say, when the officer discovered that his bike was missing, he reported it to the police. Detectives acting on a later tip were able to locate and arrest Bhekilaya at a liquor store where he was having a beer. The bike was recovered nearby.

He was convicted on one count of theft after appearing before Gwanda magistrate Mrs. Gladmore Mushove this week.

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