US SKI TEAM Hydrates With POLAR BOTTLE® At Sochi Olympics

Two Boulder, Colorado brands -POLAR BOTTLE® and Skratch Labs -played a vital role in the medal winning performances of the US SKI TEAM at the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Skratch Labs approached Polar Bottle to create a custom bottle to be used by the US SKI TEAM to hold their high performance sports hydration mix. “We needed a bottle that would allow our athletes to drink our Exercise Mix without any risk of it freezing. We have worked with POLAR BOTTLE® for some time and know they make the best insulated water bottle on the market”, explains Jason Donald of Skratch Labs.  POLAR BOTTLE® was only too delighted to support Skratch Labs and the US Ski Team.  “Like Skratch Labs we are committed to helping athletes optimize performance and health. As POLAR BOTTLE® is 100% made in the USA, it was a natural fit for us to support the US SKI TEAM and thrilling to see our bottles being put to great use in Sochi ”, said Liza Milijasevic of POLAR BOTTLE®. Steve Nyman of the US SKI TEAM adds, “The bottles performed well on all fronts temperature wise. They never froze which was the big plus!  It truly has been great having the support of both Skratch Labs and POLAR BOTTLE® this winter”

US Ski Team
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