Who elects these morons?

I had originally titled this post “Can I use the word ‘dickhead’?”. Then my better sense prevailed. I know that this runs the risk of offending readers and advertisers, but read all the way through, then decide if it’s warranted.

I ride a bicyle, and I’m all for cyclists having more bike paths as well as bike lanes for those that aren’t afraid of asserting their right to the road. Sadly, there is an elected official in Canada by the name of Bob Ford that either does not understand the law, or has decided to completely disregard the fact that he was elected by people that surely include cyclists of all stripes.

The following quote has been attributed to him.

“I compare bike lanes to swimming with the sharks. Sooner or later you’re going to get bitten. And no wonder. Roads are built for buses, cars and trucks, not for people on bikes. It’s their own fault at the end of the day if they get hit. You shouldn’t be in the middle of traffic riding your bike. If you want to ride your bike you’ve got beautiful parks. That’s where you should ride your bike.”

Now how could this guy have gotten elected? Really.

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I compare Bob Ford’s comments to being able to talk without being able to think. Sooner or later you’re going to get found out. And no wonder. Elected positions are supposed to be for people who understand the law, not people who think it ok for people to run over cyclists while breaking the law. Its his own fault at the end of the day if he gets found out. He shouldn’t be where he is and opening his mouth at the same time. If he wants to speak without thinking, then he has a beautiful bathroom. That’s where he should do his speaking.

To paraphrase Bob Ford


I can’t find any information about Mr. Ford. Where’s he at? Where was this comment reported?

Rodney Olsen

I think you should have gone with your original title for the post.


Rob Ford is a City councillor in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The comment was reported in the Toronto Star (thestar.com). If you google his name with “drunk” you will see that he has trouble with his mouth.

Doug Lee

He’s a Toronto city councillor, actually Rob, not Bob
He was quoted as saying this:
I can’t support bike lanes. Roads are built for buses, cars, and trucks.
My heart bleeds when someone gets killed, but it’s their own fault at the
end of the day.”
-Rob Ford
in the Toronto Star, our largest daily paper. You can read the story online here:


he has a little history with like comments though the “My heart bleeds when someone gets killed, but it’s their own fault at the end of the day.” is a new twist (and a highly inflammatory one at that).

http://spacing.ca/votes/?p=186#comments October 22, 2006

“Ford told me, “Roads are for cars.” He believes it is much too dangerous to cycle on the road and that, for cyclists, it is tantamount to “swimming with the sharks.”

My understanding was this quote was originally reported in biketoronto.ca in 2005 though I can’t seem to find the exact url presently.

My concern is his comment might be considered an endorsement of motorists committing vehicular assault or manslaughter against cyclists. As such it might be interpreted as fomenting hatred against cyclists and one would think this would be considered in violation of hate laws in this country.


He has a little history with like comments though the “My heart bleeds when some
one gets killed, but its their own fault at the end of the day. is a new twist (and a highly inflammatory one at that).

http://spacing.ca/votes/?p=186#comments October 22, 2006

“Ford told me, Roads are for cars. He believes it is much too dangerous to cycle
on the road and that, for cyclists, it is tantamount to swimming with the sharks.”

My concern is his comment might be considered an endorsement of motorists committing vehicular assault or manslaughter against cyclists. As such it should be interpreted as fomenting hatred against cyclists and one would think this would be considered in violation of hate laws in this country.

The irony is this is a distraction to the bigger issue. The city budget was handed down that same day and the bike budget had been chopped to only slightly more than that apportioned for renovating the mayors offices. For a city which has purportedly made a committment to acting on greenhouse gases that is something of a dismal statement. Scarborough, North York and Etobicoke (Rob Ford country) remain the biggest barriers to safe cycling in this city and the bike plan has woefully little to offer in correcting this. If bicycles are to be considered a transportation option bikeracks on buses to leapfrog these cycling barriers is a piss poor option.

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