Canadian CEO takes “Research & Development” to the Extreme!

We’re big fans of Baffin, as they make great gear, and their CEO is not afraid to put in some personal R&D time. But this is truly hardcore. Look for info on their new products coming soon. In the meantime, I’m going to try to arrange an interview with Paul, if possible.
– Brian

An epic family March break trip. The new Baffin apparel is put to the ultimate test.

Baffin, Canada‘s largest winter boot brand, is pleased to announce that Paul Hubner, CEO, will be putting his brand to the ultimate test this March. Paul and his three sons, Mark, Brent and Ryan, will be outfitted head to toe in Baffin – polar proven footwear and apparel, testing their products against some of the world‘s harshest conditions. The group will travel from Qikiqtarjuaq to Pangnirtun from March 12 to the 25, 2012.

In an extreme Research and Development undertaking, Paul trusts that his brand will not only stand up against the extreme cold temperatures and howling winds of Baffin Island but that it will also keep his three sons warm and safe as they cross the Arctic Circle. Mark, 24, Brent, 21, and Ryan, 16, will be spending their March break in a most unconventional way, compared to many young men their age. Matty Mcnair, National Geographic‘s Adventurer of the Year, will be guiding Paul and his sons on their trek.

Paul‘s previous expeditions include trekking to the geographic North (2006, 2008) and South (2008) Poles and Baffin Island (2009), as well as Everest Base Camp (2011) in Nepal. Being known for it‘s extreme footwear, Baffin has only recently ventured into extreme clothing.  For the first time ever this March, the Hubner‘s will be outfitted entirely in Baffin -head to toe. Featuring Baffin‘s unique apparel layering system of base, mid, shell and an outer down layer, the Hubner‘s will have no trouble keeping warm in temperatures of up to -100ºC.  “Baffin is based around the core philosophies of ‘˜living the brand‘ and being ‘˜Polar Proven‘, it wouldn‘t make much sense to not test our new clothing system under the most extreme conditions”, says Paul Hubner.  “Through constant real world testing and technical innovation, we remain focused on being the undisputed leader in outdoor performance footwear and apparel.”

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