hiveGrip from TandemKross

Don’t be fooled by the hiveGrip for AR-15 from TandemKross. It’s definitely not just for the AR-15. As a matter of fact, that’s just one of many applications. Because it will fit most firearms that accept an AR-style grip. This includes just about every 10/22 chassis made, along with the 22 and PC Chargers. Plus the PC Carbine in Ruger’s own Tactical Chassis. And the Ruger Precision rifle, or Precision Rimfire. That last option is where I chose to install mine. After trying one in their Upriser chassis, I realized it would be perfect on my Precision Rimfire.

hiveGrip from TandemKross on my Ruger Precision Rimfire
hiveGrip from TandemKross on my Ruger Precision Rimfire


It’s basically a hard rubber over what looks like glass-filled nylon. Not as tacky or grippy as other overmolded grips, it feels quite good in hand. What really sold me was the angle. As you can see in the photo below, it’s got a steeper angle than the stock grip. While this is preferred by many shooters, it’s almost a “must have” for my Precision Rimfire. The more I shot that rifle, the more I realized that my hand was at an odd angle. Over longer sessions, it was definitely noticeable. I chalked it up to the newness of that format. But once I replaced the factory grip the difference was obvious.

hiveGrip from TandemKross
hiveGrip from TandemKross

Texturing looks more aggressive than it is, and the narrow width along with finger grooves make for a nice fit. As far as sizing, it seems “just right” for my largish hands. I also prefer the beaver tail, so that’s a plus. A removable base cap provides for waterproof storage. My only issue with that is the light grease that TandemKross uses. I don’t think it’s food-safe, so wipe it down good before stashing your Skittles in there. Or if you really squish it down, you can probably fit a bore snake inside, which is my preferred accessory.


If replacing a grip it beyond your skillset, perhaps rethinking shooting sports is in order. TandemKross makes is super easy, even including the correct wrench. As always, make sure the firearm is unloaded. It doesn’t hurt to check twice. Then unscrew the factory grip, which is held in by a single screw. Any time an aftermarket grip includes a screw, that’s the one that should be used. Due to differences in thickness at the mounting surface, it’s the best way to ensure a correct fit. Once snugged down, pop that bottom cap back on, and call it done.

hiveGrip from TandemKross on my Ruger Precision Rimfire
hiveGrip from TandemKross on my Ruger Precision Rimfire

In use

The hiveGrip provides a more natural grip angle for me when shooting from a bench. Although I am not sure it’s improved my shooting much, it’s made a difference in comfort. Which in turn should equate to better results. Looking for a big improvement is unrealistic, but each incremental change adds up. Shooting indoors, my groups are boringly the same – very small. But I can already see where there is less fatigue over time.


I’d like to thank TandemKross for providing this grip for evaluation. As I continue to explore precision rimfire shooting, I’m learning that, as mentioned, it’s the small changes which combine over time to make a big difference. A lot of time was spent adjusting the stock, testing bipods, and I even added a monopod. The hiveGrip is one more piece of that puzzle for me. Of course, it would make a nice upgrade on any of the other firearms it fits as well.

Comments? Questions? Have any of our readers tried the hiveGrip? Or have you found another grip that improves your shooting results? Feel free to share below.

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The TandemKross Hive Grip for the AR15 will also fit the latest from Smith & Wesson M&P12 Bullpup shotgun.


Pretty much anything that uses an AR-style grip with the beaver tail.

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