Logan Peat is a dirtbag!

And he’s proud of it. He recently won the 2007 “Be a Dirtbag” contest, and a spot on the Drop In video series.

After five weeks of battling it out for votes against some very tough competition – talented riders Frankie Vass and Kyle Thomas, Logan came out on top as the Ultimate Dirtbag. His victory has gained him more than the Dirtbag title, he also wins Santa Cruz bikes and parts for a year, and best of all, that coveted spot on the Drop In tour bus for Season 6!

The folks at Rip Media were kind enough to send me a copy of their interview with the 19-year-old rider from Owen Sound, Ontario. He seems like he’s got his head on pretty straight, by the looks of it.

1. Tell us a bit about how you got here in the first place. When did you start riding?
Drop In was what got me started riding. After Drop In’s first season, I was really hooked. As mountain biking got more popular, I started entering competitions in 2006, and that led me to where I am today.

2. After hanging out with the Drop In crew at Whistler, what are you looking forward to most on the road?
I am looking forward to traveling to ride new locations and really looking forward to riding with the crew.

3. If you had to, would you drop out of school to go on tour?
No, I have already moved to Alberta for school. It is only a two year program and I am already half way done.

4. Any plans to slay dragons on the trip?
No. I have a girlfriend.

5. Where do you hope the bus takes you?
Wherever the bus goes will be awesome, they have never gone wrong in the past. I would love to try new locations that have not been featured on videos before.

6. Is being on a TV show gonna get you mad chicks?
I don’t know, I have never been on TV before.

7. Who was/is you biggest influence in the riding world? Do you think your riding style is reflective of him?
So many riders inspire me, but riders that are pushing the limit and bringing something new to the sport, gain all my respect. Also, I am influenced by the bmx scene, I feel my riding does reflect that.

8. What does your family make of all this biking business?
My family loves the industry just as much as I do. They have come to all my competitions and supported me from day one.

9. Are you going to pitch in on cleaning the bus, or will you request a maid?
Of course I am on board to help clean the bus, but a maid sounds great.

Here is Logan’s Video Blog acceptance speech: http://www.rip.tv/video/watch/4620/

Also, you can check out Logan’s winning video submissions :

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