Mobile Bike Service

Browsing through the news this weekend, I came across this article, about two guys that have started a mobile repair bike repair business.

They initially started out just doing repairs on their own bikes, as well as their friend’s. (Hey, didn’t we all?) Now they’re offering a mobile service, which could be just the ticket for commuters or anyone else that wants to get out and ride, but lacks the skill or tools to make roadside repairs. And who hasn’t had some mechanical, and wished they could just pick up a phone and call for service? With more and more motorists turning to bicycles due to either economic or personal (fitness and environmental) reasons, the opportunities are expanding. While their website could use a bit more polish, the concept is one that could work really well anywhere that has a decent base of cyclists. Once they get all the bugs worked out, it would be great to see them make up a business plan, so that their service could be replicated in other locations.

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