Interbike – first day at the indoor show

Wednesday passed pretty uneventful at Interbike. I spent the day meeting up with folks to get product info and set up interviews. My hope was that I would have time to compose some good posts while I’m here, but there is so much to do, I’ll have to settle for getting my images uploaded from … Read more

Outdoor Demo – with photos

The outdoor demo was hot, dry, and loads of fun. You could take a shuttle up to the top of the downhill course, or ride the trails on a XC bike, or even try out a new road bike on the 35 mile loop. An excellent opportunity for dealers and dedicated enthusiasts to throw a … Read more

Interbike, day one (for me anyway)

So I’m hitting the road to Vegas probably ten minutes after this was posted. It’s about a five hour drive. Once I get there, I’ll check in, get my badge, and head out to Bootleg Canyon. Since this is my first year at the outdoor demo, I’m not sure what to expect. I also don’t … Read more

Almost time for Interbike 2009

I’ll be arriving in Vegas on Tuesday, and heading straight for Bootleg Canyon. Should be able to get some still photos, video, and sneak peeks at new products. Hopefully, I’ll have something posted that same day, or Wednesday morning at the latest. Check back then!

$103,000.00 for a bicycle?

Aurumania offers a limited edition (only ten made, thankfully) 24K gold-plated track bike for the bargain price of 80,000 Euro, which is roughly US$103K, or $102,200.00 more than it’s worth without the plating. Sure, it comes with a Brooks saddle, but even that doesn’t justify the price tag of this gaudy wall-hanging that will never … Read more