Tomac gets geeky with a different Armstrong

Tomac Launches New Site Just in time for the Interbike Trade Show, Tomac has launched an entirely new website. Designed to be more user-friendly and also visually more appealing, the site uses state of the art web design to drive traffic to the site. When choosing an agency to develop the site, Tomac looked north … Read more

Are Bike Reflectors and Helmet Strobe Lights Really Enough? Safe Bicycling Innovations Thinks Not

This is precisely the kind of new goodies that my inner geek will be checking out at Interbike: Safety Illumination of Rider Light, a bike light that illuminates the back of a rider’s entire legs, to be shown at the Interbike Expo LONG BEACH, Calif. – Sept. 18, 2008 – Safe Bicycling Innovations, creator of … Read more

A 73LB Electric Bike?

Here we go again. At seventy three pounds, the A2B’s most clever feature is its name. I’ve ridden BMX bikes back in the 70’s that had to be 40+ pounds. But 73? And I’m not ten years old any more. If these designers were honest, they would ditch the cranks and pedals altogether, and just … Read more

Helmet Commentary by a Master Debater

Sure, waste ten or fifteen minutes of your workday reading this article. Nothing takes up more space and time than a blog post (or forum thread) debating the merits of bicycle helmets. I consider it a zero-sum argument though. No matter how grand, long, or compelling, everyone walks away with exactly what they brought to … Read more