For the dedicated cyclist stuck at a desk at least part of the day, RideOut Technologies introduces their Bicycle Desk. You can use this as a stand-up desk, or set your bike on the trainer and spin while you work. The large open area under the desk allows for bikes of most sizes to fit, so it should not matter if you ride a road bike, mountain bike, or even a beach cruiser. If you can fit it on a trainer, you can probably fit it under this desk.

This hand-crafted solid wood desk is made in Montana from locally reclaimed wood on the top, with new timber for the legs. To get just the right fit, the legs have adjustable foot pegs so the table top can be set to your desired height. This solid wood table stands firm and dose not move, making your work surface steady. Plenty of work space too, as the table measures 54 inches by 35 inches across the top. If the 43 – 45 inch height does not work for you, you can order a custom table. Just give them a call, and they will work out the details with you.

If you can ride your bike to work, that’s one thing. But what could be better than riding your bike at work? This is a great way to get in a few miles while at work. I know that standing at work helps us think better, but research has shown that our brains work much better when we are moving and active. And what better way to stay in shape? You can burn 60 to 200 calories in an hour depending on how fast you pedal. Of course, this would be best for those with a smooth spin – mashers need not apply. And when you are done with work, you can put on one of those cycling videos for the roadies that like to suffer along.
The Bicycle Desk sells for $495 plus shipping. To get one of these finely crafted desks for your home or office, contact