If you haven‘t heard, there‘s a new kid on the block when it comes to sleeping outside. Camping quilts have been around for a long time but are becoming more and more popular with hammock camping. I really enjoy using quilts when camping and the weather must be very cold before I go back to my zero-degree sleeping bag. The Sierra Designs Backcountry Quilt has features that I haven‘t seen anywhere else and I think it is fantastic.
Sleeping bags are tough to beat for sleeping outside and quilts probably are not for everybody. There are times when I want to wrap up in a sleeping bag and I will even sleep indoors in one during the winter. Quilts have real advantages over sleeping bags though and they are lower weight, smaller pack size, hammock use, and versatility. The Backcountry Quilt delivers all of these.
A huge feature the Sierra Design Backcountry Quilt has is its hood. I don‘t know of any other camping quilt that has one. Most if not all people wear a beanie, or a hood when using a camping quilt because their head will get cold without it. Sierra Designs made the Backcountry Quilt longer and cleverly made a pocket at the top for your head. I think this makes the quilt warmer overall because my head, and neck are in the same insulated area as the rest of me and all that body heat is held in.
Next, the Backcountry Quilt is wide, and they put little pockets in the corners for hands. I don‘t sleep with my hands in those little pockets, but they are very useful for snugging the quilt up around the rest of me. With a little practice, I can put tension on the end of the quilt and suck it right up to my backside. There are pretty much no air leaks where heat escapes and cold creeps in. A sewn in foot box comes up to my knees and keeps the lower legs and feet warm.

Backcountry Quilt Specifications
The Sierra Designs Backcountry Quilt uses 700 fill power PFC-Free Dridown for insulation and they put 17.6 ounces of it in the quilt. It has an EN Comfort rating of 28°F and an EN limit temperature of 17°F. The quilt has lots of warmth for me especially in the hammock. In the hammock, the quilt bunches up on top more and is warmer. Sierra Designs used a 20d polyester ripstop for the shell and a 15D nylon ripstop for the liner. The liner is soft and cozy and the shell should minimize rips if that happens.
On my scales, the Backcountry Quilt weighs 30.5 ounces in its stuff sack. I‘m 6‘ 1” tall and this quilt is plenty big for me. Sierra Designs says it fits a person up to 6‘4” and I bet that is right. The length of the quilt is 80 inches and keep in mind that includes the built-in hood. The shoulder and hip width are both 58 inches and the diameter of the footbox is 42 inches. I‘ve got a 44 to 45-inch chest and this quilt has tons of room for me.
Final Thoughts
The 20 Degree Sierra Designs Backcountry Quilt sells for $249.95 on the Sierra Designs website. I think that is a pretty good price for a quilt with this temperature rating. It comes with a mesh storage bag and a well sized stuff sack. The unique features and high performance of the quilt make it stand out from the crowd. Click HERE to visit the Sierra Designs website and check out everything they offer.
Thanks to Sierra Designs for providing the Backcountry Quilt for testing and review. We at Industry Outsider have limited budgets just like everyone else. Hopefully the information we pass along about our experiences benefits everyone.