SlingFin, a manufacturer of tents and outdoor gear, was founded by folks who have been in the industry for a long time. Last year, we got a chance to take a look at the CrossBow 2 R/S tent and were really impressed by the build quality. The knowledge that went into the design of that tent is obvious. From the selection of materials to the all-new, patented WebTruss you can tell that these guys know outdoor gear.
SlingFin is looking to expand and is offering everyone a chance to get in on the fun. These guys have partnered with Wefunder and are allowing all of us to have a chance to invest in their company. Through SlingFin‘s Wefunder page, you can buy a piece of SlingFin for as little as $100. Of course you can invest more in the company if you like.

I‘m new to Wefunder but it looks like this site is much like some other crowdfunding websites (ie. Kickstarter or Indiegogo) that I‘ve seen. One big difference is that you will be buying a share of the company and not just pre-purchasing a product. SlingFin has set up rewards for each level of investment that you choose. From discounts on their gear, to brainstorming sessions with the owners, to a guided trip to Mount Everest, you can get in on some very nice rewards.
As a short introduction, here is a little bit about SlingFin taken straight from their Wefunder page. “We make the highest quality mountaineering and backpacking tents in the world. Our gear works in conditions that cause other equipment to fail. Case in point: we built the only tent to ever spend a night on Mt. Everest. Our founder, Martin, has been building tents since high school and has worked at the biggest outdoor companies: Sierra Designs, Mountain Hardwear, and The North Face.”
SlingFin has done a good job of laying out their plans and sharing their vision on the Wefunder page. Details on what they will do with the raised money and how that benefits the company are there too. Be sure and check out the whole page well. There is a lot of information but it is all organized well so you can see what these guys have planned.
So, if you have ever wanted to own your piece of an outdoor gear company, here is your shot. Click here to browse over to Wefunder and see if you want to get in on the action.
– Mark