Ok, so there are some people reading this after all. Who wants free stuff? I have an item to review that I will then give away. If that turns out to be fun, I will make it a regular feature to give away some of the cool odd bits that I have, as well as items that are sent in for review, if they don’t need to be returned.
Stay tuned.
I’d be interested in reviewing stuff, only if I don’t have to like it. There’s too many “pay for love” sites out there.
You misunderstood. After I’m done with my review, I’ll give it away. No strings attached. And I may even throw in some goodies that I’ve collected. No junk, no contests, no strings. Just free.
Did you say free! Yes, UPS operates in Australia, my address is………..heh!
I would love some free stuff. I could even rereview your previously reviewed stuff and regive the aforementioned stuff away again. Okay, that is too complicated……. but I really would love to see some product reviews on your site.
What kind of stuff? Used chamois’ I can live without. Otherwise…. I LOVE STUFF!
I love bicycle related stuff, and free bicycle related stuff is my favorite.
Any chance your going to review the new Surly Long Haul Trucker bike? heh heh
Uh, let me think about that a sec… YES count me in.
Feel free to send to PDXK – PO BOX 42669, Portland OR 97202