offers manufacturers and retailers access to member’s opinions, the most active cycling-related forum on the internet, recently added a new forum, titled Manufacturer, Retailer, and Consumer Feedback.

The purpose of the new forum is twofold:

First, it will allow anyone in the industry, from manufacturers and retailers to builders and inventors, the opportunity to post on the forums and gain valuable feedback from a large and varied cross-section of cyclists. I’m not aware of any other site that gives the industry direct access to that many potential consumers, and without any strings attached.

Second, it gives the members the opportunity to voice their opinions, concerns, and needs with regards to new or existing products. If manufacturers and retailers are really interested in what customers think, they’ll read and take note, and hopefully respond.

Of course, this will only work if both sides participate. The good news is that if they do, everyone benefits. I hope to see members and the industry both take advantage of this excellent opportunity.

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