A Boyds At-One Adjustable Gunstock is one of the many ways to improve the Ruger 10/22. It provides a combination of performance and aesthetics not available from the factory stock. With an adjustable comb and butt pad, plus 14 color options, it changes both the look and feel of the rifle. While it won’t magically transform a factory rifle into a tack-driver, it can address certain shortcomings of the OEM stocks. I’ve been letting a lot of people shoot my custom 10/22, but it’s not a “one size fits all” rifle. So when Boyds offered to provide their adjustable stock for review, I gladly took them up on that.

The At-One starts its life as a blank made from top-grade laminated hardwoods. Cured (dried to very precise specifications) sheets of wood are pressed together using glue, heat, and pressure. This process isn’t the same as slapping some glue on two pieces of wood and clamping them together. Instead, the glue actually permeates into the wood fibers. By stacking sheets together, the end result is 50% stiffer than sawn lumber. So the stock is still wood, but with much more rigidity, which is one of the keys to rifle accuracy.
When you see the different colors in a Boyds stock, that’s from the different layers. Rather than applying color as part of the finishing process, it’s done to each layer. This brings out the natural beauty of the wood, and also ensures that no two stocks are exactly alike. How each blank is CNC machined into the At-One will affect the overall look as well. But after 40 years, it’s safe to say that Boyds knows how to get the most out of their laminates. Once all that cutting and some finish work is done, each stock is given a chemical-resistant satin finish.
A quick look, and it’s easy to see that the At-One has an adjustable comb and butt pad. What’s less obvious is the mechanism. Two flush buttons hide the inner workings. No nuts or screws to mess with, and no tools needed. Even though there’s no noticeable recoil with a 10/22, they include a nice 1/2″ thick over-molded recoil pad. It gets the rifle from sliding around on the shoulder. At the rear is a single stud for a sling swivel. Up front is a pair of studs, one for a sling, the other for a bipod. On each side, below and forward of the comb is a built-in QD socket. And because Boyds likes to add value, they even include the swivel.

Safeguarding your investment is a lower butt stock protector at the rear. Up front is a similar part covering the underside of the forearm. And the grip area gets the same treatment. These are the spots where some rifles see wear and abuse. Covering those contact points may not be to everyone’s taste, but the result is a stock that looks great, year after year. All the wood, metal bit for the adjustments, and the protector pieces add up to a stock that weighs about 3 pounds.
If you’re accustomed to the easy fit of the factory stock, the Boyds At-One might be a surprise. At first, I thought something was wrong. As I checked it over, I couldn’t find any reason for it to not just drop in. Although I was prepared to do some minor fitting, that wasn’t the case. Turns out it’s just really, really tight. All it took was a little force, which isn’t necessary with a factory stock. Anyway, it was a perfect solid fit. Since my CST receiver does not have the rear tang, it only required a standard (well, stainless hex head) 10/22 takedown screw to install. From there, I used a crisp dollar bill to verify that my KIDD barrel free floated in the At-One. And then I did a quick function check of the action, safety, and trigger. No issues.
This is a good time to point out my color choice. “Applejack” is a nice red laminate. Since this isn’t a hunting rifle, and it’s usually shot from a bench, I wanted to go for a brighter color. It stands out without being too much. Boyds also offers more subdued earth tones in greys and browns. If you want a bit more “pop”, they have colors like purple, pink, green, and blue. Use their online configurator to check the available stock options for your rifle, as well as view the different colors.
When I take friends shooting, this rifle might get handed from someone 6’4″ to their ten year old son. It’s safe to say that there’s some adjustments in order. The larger button on the rear of the stock is for the length of pull. Press the button, set the LOP, then release the button and it’s locked tight. It can go from a short 12.5 inches out to 14 inches. Then the smaller button is used to adjust adjust the comb. Total height adjustment is just over a half inch – 9/16″. This allows my rifle to fit a fairly diverse group of shooters. Again, without tools, and without twisting any adjustment nuts or anything like that. Two buttons, that’s it.

Range time
On the first weekend with nice weather, I headed to an area provided by the city, with “lanes” from 75 yards out to 200 or so. Because I didn’t get up early enough, I was limited to the shorter distances. But I brought my portable shooting table, and in just a few moments, had my rifle all dialed in. I kept thinking the grip shape would bother me, as it’s a bit different than my other stocks. Many stocks allow for a higher grip, with the thumb resting over the wrist of the stock. The At-One encourages a lower grip, with the thumb on the same side as the trigger finger. After comparing to my other stocks, I realized it puts my trigger finger more in line with the trigger. It’s now a pull straight back, rather than slightly upwards. Perhaps it’s time to rethink my other stock choices.
Since I had nothing even close to match grade ammo with me, I didn’t shoot for groups. Instead, I enjoyed shooting for the sake of shooting. That meant hitting all the old cans, golf balls, clays, and empty 12 gauge shells other people had left. A fair crosswind would have made precision shooting a bit difficult anyway. But it was still fun. When standing, I found that the protective cover on the forearm provide a nice gripping surface. Certainly better than plain wood. The At-One made my already nice rifle even more comfortable to shoot. It really completes this setup, as the one thing missing from this custom rifle was a custom fit.

This was an accurate rifle when I started, and giving it a more solid stock will probably improve that if I take the time to find the best ammo. And it looks much better too. But the most important feature is that just about anyone can sit down, fit it to them, and have a great time ringing our steel targets. The stock truly makes each individual “at one” with the rifle.
With regards to the fit and finish of the At-One, I’m impressed. CNC machining allows for the tight tolerances, but the laminate seems to allow them to get even tighter than sawn wood. Overall surface finish is really nice, with the only imperfection being a very small irregularity within the wood grain itself. Although I declined it on my review sample, Boyds also offers laser engraving. For a reasonable fee, you can choose from initials in five different fonts (great gift idea!) or several animals. Three laser texturing options include checkering, stippling and scales. Another way to really make your rifle “your own”.
I’d like to thank Boyds for providing their At-One Adjustable Gunstock for my review and evaluation. We’ll continue to test it out with different users, and report back if there are any issues. In the meantime, if you’re interested in getting your own, or just want to see what else they offer, visit Boydsgunstocks.com.
Comments? Questions? Have any of our readers tried out any of the Boyds Gunstocks? Feel free to share below.