Grant money used to fight diabetes

It’s always nice to read that our tax dollars are actually going to a program that may do some good.

In Alaska, diabetes has become a concern among Alaska natives. And the The Bristol Bay Area Health Corp. is using grant money to combat this issue. Kids up there are eating more junk food, and less of the good stuff, like fish and fruits. In an effort to reduce the risk of diabetes, 735 new Treks, from little training wheel bikes to 21 speed mountain bikes, will be distributed. They’ll be going to anyone in 12th grade or younger that does not currently have a working bike.

I think this is an excellent program. Considering that the government will happily spend a million dollars for a study to determine if a bike lane is a feasible idea, it’s refreshing to see newly minted cyclists for cheap. Let’s hope the bikes get put to good use. And while it sounds like Trek isn’t exactly giving away the bikes, at least they’re getting them at a reasonable cost. Either way, another example of more bikes getting into the hands of people that can truly benefit from them.

I’ve asked one of my contacts at Trek for a statement about this. If I hear from them any time soon, I’ll post an update.

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Tom Stormcrowe

Brian, I’ll be linking this article through my blog! Good stuff and right in line with my current focus!

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