Wabi Classic update

[Note: this was written a while ago, but got saved rather than published while I was in the middle of sorting out some hosting issues. Happily, I have a new, reliable web host] It’s been a while since my last post about the Wabi Classic, and I’ve made a few changes to it, so this … Read more


Sorry if this reads like an infomercial, but if you’re a commuter, camper, or into touring, it’s totally worth your time to have a peek at the CycloCamping.com website. I’m personally not a big fan of the banner ads that we see on our favorite cycling sites, so I try to keep mine to a … Read more

Cycling and music

No, this isn’t going to be a post about some great band that rides bikes, or some bicycle/music festival. It’s about another clueless individual who’s now dead because he rode with his iPod or MP3 player. Don’t get me wrong, I really love my music. For some folks, it’s a great motivator when you’re out … Read more

Las Vegas PD

I spent the last week in Las Vegas with my wife, and couldn’t help but notice the cops on bikes. The ones I saw were on flat black Cannondales, with some mods for police duty. While I commend them for riding in 100+ weather with kevlar under their bright yellow shirts, some of their actions … Read more