The trial we should all be following

By now, I’m sure most LA cyclists have heard about the trial of Dr. Christopher Thompson. He’s the guy that cut off two cyclists on a downhill stretch of roadway in Brentwood, then slammed on his brakes, sending one of the cyclists through his back window. Yes, you read that right. A doctor, an emergency … Read more

Stem Captain update

I heard from Mike at Stem Captain yesterday. He was just heading out to see his machinist with the final drawings for their new compass. With any luck, it should be available around Thanksgiving. With the economy being what it is, a Stem Captain would be a very affordable gift for your favorite cyclist this … Read more

Pedal Power Foundation

The Pedal Power Foundation, based in Phoenix, is looking for a few folks able to twist some wrenches on November 7th. Their mission statement “The mission of The Pedal Power Foundation is to fulfill the childhood dream of owning a NEW bicycle” caught my attention. To that end, they need help assembling the bikes they’ll be … Read more

Yike Bike – who’s their target demographic?

I just read another article about the Yike Bike, and I still don’t get it. It’s an electric barstool. And at 3,500 Euros, it’s not for everyone. At that price, it’s not exactly a vastly less expensive alternative to a car, and certainly no replacement if you have more than a laptop bag to carry. … Read more

No photos for the GoGirl article

No photos for the GoGirl article, because I’m just not going to go there. What had to have been one of the most intriguing products at Interbike was something called the GoGirl. Their catch phrase is “Don’t take life sitting down”, so a female friend of mine assumed they were some sort of women’s empowerment … Read more