Iain Sinclair Eon Classic Credit Card Flashlight

Last September, we did a review of the Cardsharp2® credit card-sized folding knife from Iain Sinclair, and were impressed with the clever design and origami-style folding. When they sent us their Eon Classic credit card flashlight, we were equally impressed by the highly functional, yet simple design, again in a very compact package. The light … Read more

Cardsharp2: That’s Not A Knife. Oh Wait, It Is!

Being prepared isn’t just about having stockpiles of food, water, and toilet paper. Although National Preparedness Month is centered around reminding us to be prepared for emergencies, at IndustryOutsider, we’d like to help our readers deal with the little day to day issues that crop up too. Some time ago, I stumbled upon the Cardsharp2® … Read more