Red Dot Adapter Mounts from Outer Impact

Outer Impact Red Dot Adapter (M.R.A.) for Ruger Mark series pistols on my TandemKross Kraken

When it comes to optic mounts, Outer Impact has you covered. Although they make several products, including sights, it’s their M.R.A. (Modular Red Dot Adapter) that I was most interested in. I recently purchased a Vortex Razor, and realized the included mount on a factory rail was just way too high for pistol use. So … Read more

Mantis X10 Elite Shooting Performance System

Mantis X10 Elite Shooting Performance System

With ammo availability and pricing being what it is lately, I didn’t hesitate when Mantis offered a chance to review their X10 Elite Shooting Performance System. This $249.99 system promises to help shooters master critical fundamental skills and improve accuracy. Two years ago, I would have suggested spending that money on ammo and maybe some … Read more

SW22 Victory Upgrades Part 4

Continuing my Performance Center SW22 Victory Upgrades project, we’re going to take a look at magazine upgrades. In part 2 (TandemKross Cornerstone Safety), I replaced the safety after ranting about how terrible it was. That required a partial disassembly, and lots of important bits and pieces being taken out and reinstalled correctly. It certainly wasn’t … Read more

Side Folding Fixed Extruded Stock from Midwest Industries

Side Folding Fixed Extruded Stock from Midwest Industries

When I first saw the Midwest Industries Side Folding Fixed Extruded Stock, I immediately thought of my Ruger PC Carbine (with the Midwest Industries M-LOK handguard). This new steel and aluminum side folding stock combines classic design with modern construction. That makes it right at home on the AR and AK formats, but also rifles … Read more

Volquartsen introduces the A-10 Ambidextrous Thumbhole Stock

Volquartsen A-10 Ambidextrous Thumbhole Stock

Yes, I frequently make jokes about left-handed shooters. But the folks at Volquartsen are much kinder than me. They not only tolerate these wrong-handed shooters, but even cater to them. Their new A-10 Ambidextrous Thumbhole Stock is a perfect example. It’s designed for normal shooters, as well as southpaws. Lefties no longer have to be … Read more

Installing the Large Loop Lever for Henry Lever Action Rifles

Large Loop Lever for Henry Lever Action Rifles

Thinking about installing a Large Loop Lever on your Henry Lever Action rimfire? You’re not alone. Henry Repeating Arms has sold over one million of their Classic Lever Action .22 rifles. And that’s just the one model. There are several other rimfire variants in different calibers, finishes, or configurations. Most come with the standard lever, … Read more