Korkers Apex Ice Cleats and Ultra Ice Cleats Get a Grip

Korkers has been around for quite a while, around 50 years in fact.  Click HERE for a quick read of the company history.  Korkers makes winter  fishing boots with a unique interchangeable sole.  The same pair of boots use soles with or without spikes to get traction on slippery surfaces.  Korkers also makes products that … Read more

Wiley X Ignite Sunglass Review

With their new Ignite, Wiley X manages to hit many important points for sunglass consumers. Besides being lightweight and stylish, they offer several levels of protection. Their MSRP of $80.00 doesn’t hurt either. After spending some time with a pair, I’ve found them to be ideal for both working and playing outdoors, as well as … Read more

Support Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts

Texas is a mess in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Lives has been lost, homes and businesses are in ruins. But like every other disaster, people get back up, dust (or dry) themselves off, and rebuild. And among the many things outdoor enthusiasts are known for, caring tops the list. Caring about the environment, and … Read more

Icebreaker Merino Clothes Done the Right Way

Icebreaker makes clothing using mostly Merino wool and they have been at it for quite a while now.  I recently had a chance to speak with Justin Walford, the vice president and general manager of Icebreaker North America.  Mr. Walford shared some insights into what Icebreaker is all about and we chatted about some new … Read more

ODDLOT Labs Launches Swappable Adventure Packs

OUTDOOR START UP ODDLOT LABS LAUNCHES SWAPPABLE ADVENTURE PACKS ON INDIEGOGO PORTLAND, OR (August 16, 2017) ‘” OddLot Labs is a Portland-based outdoor start-up that is on a quest to redefine the way we all think about backpacks. They’re pleased to announce the introduction of The Quiver. This is an ingenious and eco-friendly swappable adventure … Read more